Memory Glue

19 Jul Memory Glue

In 2007, Chip and Dan Heath published Made to Stick– Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. They explained why ideas are remembered, including having simplicity, concreteness, and the unexpected. The book’s entire introduction is about the “stickiness” of urban myths, proverbs and defeating obstacles; in short, stories. And the book’s final chapter is all about why stories are the most potent tool for moving and inspiring audiences.

Recently, a client told us he attended a workshop on storytelling delivered by Seth Godin and Bernadette Jiwa. These prominent writers and thinkers appreciate the critical nature of storytelling and are teaching solid narrative techniques. A few insights from their class: “Better stories are believed, not just noticed. Better stories give your customers a story to tell. Better stories move people to act.”

To incorporate stories into your presentations, begin with the Eloqui template. Obstacle: what challenge your client was facing. Solution: three concrete actions you took on their behalf. Benefit: the value your client received from working with you. Finish with the Unexpected Benefit to the client. There’s more to great storytelling, but using this template will put you on the road to being memorable and inspiring.

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