Get Real

04 Feb Get Real

Regina Rapp is on a press junket for her role in the film adaptation of Mean Girls. Rapp is a loose canon, praising Megan Thee Stallion’s butt and declaring she’s tired of wearing pink (Barbie be damned.) Yes surprisingly, Rapp is a bellwether for how to respond in interviews. And her fans love her.

Bill McGowan of Clarity Media Group said that in the past, his agency would come up with three messages for celebrities doing media interviews, and then coach them how to deliver them. Instead, McGowan believes “Media training should be about creating memorable, provocative, interesting things to say and stories to tell.” We agree, and counsel our clients to be strategic, not just provocative.

Old methods of expressing ourselves are like dinosaurs watching a meteorite approaching. At the core of the new style is authenticity. Younger generations especially appreciate it when speakers don’t sound “handled,” or that their comments are processed and not their own. Shed old techniques and speak from your own perspective and in your own voice. Whether it’s a press tour, training, or everyday communication, trust yourself and get more fans.

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