Speaking Tips


Summer Daze

During a recent visit with friends from L.A., we watched as the morning sun lit up the Jemez mountains. The coffee was steaming in the crisp air as the birds flew in for breakfast. Aromas from our roses wafted over us. But our colleagues were...

Dev’s Way

Fourteen-year-old Dev Shah is our newest National Spelling Bee Champion. He bested a field of 288 competitors and 10 finalists. Being on a national stage, competing in front of television cameras is enough to make anyone anxious. What is Dev’s formula?Not surprisingly, Dev’s way is...

It Ain’t About You

Being around great authors at the Santa Fe Literary Festival stimulated our imagination. We especially enjoyed determining which authors connected best with the audience. It depended upon the skills of their interviewer. Kathleen McCleery interviewed Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl and other books. Granted she is a...

World of Words

Last week, we attended the second Santa Fe International Literary Festival. We listened to first-rate authors including Ed Yong, Gillian Flynn, John Irving, Yvon Chouinard, and Jennifer Egan. While we enjoyed hearing how the authors created their books, we were also seeking insights into the...

Through the Looking Glass

Pulitzer Prize winning author Ed Yong is one of the young lions of scientific journalism. His new book is An Immense World: how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us. Yong states that many of our old theories about animal communication are bunk because they were...


We live in the high desert north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Our internet service is one step above smoke signals. This obviously impacts the quality of our video conferencing with clients, whether we are training or delivering webinars and keynotes. After a recent lightning...

Bird Music

There is great virtue in seeking inspiration from hikes, foreign travel, and fields unrelated to your own. A recent segment on CBS Sunday Morning featured Alexander Liebermann, a composer/musician who was locked down in Berlin during COVID. When the world opened up again, he took...

Hand in Glove

Humans have been speaking for most of our existence. However, writing is only 5,200 years old, a gift from the Sumerians. Historically, writing skills bestowed prestige, while speaking was perceived as more casual.In “Speaking vs Writing” Josef Essberger states that in the modern era, speaking...


Last week, we extolled the merits of infusing your presentations with creativity and unique insights. Use machine learning systems to perform mundane tasks, but employ your strongest asset, imagination, when it counts. Many studies, including one from the Dept. of Psychology and Neuroscience at Colorado University...

AI or I AM

TIP OF THE WEEK: AI or I AM?Today’s view of machine learning systems like ChatGPT, Bard, and Sydney is either “Bots will destroy humans,” or “Our glorious future is here.” In our humble opinion, neither will prove to be true. Machine learning systems are statistical...