Art of War

29 Dec Art of War

As we envision the possibilities for 2020, one consistent driver of Homo Sapiens emerges; the desire for learning and improvement. How is the vital component.

Bill Belichick, the Coach of the New England Patriots, was recently voted one of the ten greatest coaches in NFL history. When asked what influenced his success, Belichick paraphrased and riffed on Sun Tzu in The Art of War: “…Figure out what the strengths are on your team. Find the weaknesses of your opponent and attack. You can’t win by digging a hole. Figure out where you want to attack and how. That changes from week to week, game to game.”

Great advice for all those who present and want to elevate their skills. Speakers need to practice self-examination to identify their strengths and weaknesses. That’s the only way to leverage the former and strengthen the latter. For example, if you can easily structure a presentation, but your voice is weak or unclear, build your delivery with a voice coach… If you love to wing it, but occasionally go off the rails, place structure and pacing on your to-do list… If you hear comments that you lack expression, listen to a rousing Beethoven symphony or Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma and let it bring out your emotive side.

There is no greater satisfaction for us at Eloqui than to see you succeed, winning accolades and gaining clients through your presentation and communication skills. (see testimonial below) Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your development, aspirations and accomplishments over the years. Speaking with integrity and passion is the human gift– make it your contribution to the world.

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