Wild and Uninhibited

09 Feb Wild and Uninhibited

Hank Azaria, an actor known for many Simpsons’ character voices, wrote a piece in the NY Times about his creative process. Azaria also touched upon what makes a quality TV show. His statement directly relates to how you can make your own “show” better.

Azaria said “…Believability is earned through craftsmanship, with good storytelling and good performances….” He runs in-place, chops wood or takes a punch if that action is happening to the character. Azaria is feeling the action or emotion in his body, which transfers to his voice. It creates energy and vocal variety as well.

When you speak, experience your words as much as any actor or voice pro. That’s how you find and exhibit your authentic voice, which audiences love. Performance skills don’t mean faking it. These skills ensure what you deliver is convincing for your audience. Be as wild and uninhibited as you can in rehearsals, searching for nuances and insights. Then when you actually present, tailor your performance to the space and audience. Your voice and body will be fully connected, and your expressiveness will be profound.

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