10 Nov This Just In
Roughly half of the U.S. population has been gut-punched by bad news regarding the recent Presidential elections. Reactions range from rage to despair. While these are natural reactions and quite human, they don’t serve us. As Baby Boomers, we considered moving from the U.S. during Viet Nam, but determined that staying and speaking out against a trumped-up war was our patriotic duty.
Daily, we experience bad news on matters great and small. The primary consideration is how you respond. “Is it within my power to change it?” is a good way to begin. If yes, “How/ Where do I begin?” will move you from stasis to recovery, grounding and a better mood.
No matter the venue or type of bad news, the power of the human voice, backed by intention, certainty and commitment has always moved the hinges of history. Change may be slow, yet if you consider the limited years we have on the planet and what’s at stake, speaking with a clear voice will always overcome even the worst of news.
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