During the AFC Division Playoff game last week between the Kansas City Chiefs and Cleveland Browns, one particular play stood out. Just before halftime, the Browns' Rashard Higgins dove for a touchdown, but at the last second was hit by the Chief's Daniel Sorensen. The...
How many pitch teams have been frustrated by a member making claims they can't deliver-- or grandiose statements unsupported by fact? This is a hot-button issue, especially when sales agrees to the client's demands, in order to seal the deal and then work out the details. On the...
In an unprecedented dark time, we desperately need a balm to dress our wounds and heal our spirits. For many of us, trust in government and democracy has been shattered. Where are the leaders who are honest with the American people and shoulder their responsibilities...
We were thrilled when 2021 seemed to be the year when COVID-19 would be under control. But even the best-laid battle plan rarely survives contact with the enemy. As we publish this week's tip, only 2.8 million doses of the vaccine have been administered-- far...
As we pass Hanukkah and the Christmas season, stories associated with each are bright in our memory. Hanukkah has relatively minor religious significance in the Jewish faith, but by employing a symbol (menorah) and the miracle of the oil lasting eight nights in the temple,...
In a time of turmoil, brought about by the pandemic and a contentious election, it's easy to allow our darker angels to prevail. But now that there is a vaccine to combat the virus, it's also time to offset the rhetoric of hatred and divisiveness...
A dear friend of David’s passed away this week. In 1965, Archie Harrison was competing in the Oklahoma State Wrestling Championship. He was getting beaten badly, but in the last fifteen seconds of his match, pinned his opponent. His team won university scholarships and launched...
In 1982, a unique film called Koyaanisqatsi premiered at the Santa Fe Film Festival. In the Hopi language, Koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance," or literally "chaotic life." This film without dialogue visually covered what the filmmakers considered human interference with nature and the subsequent negative consequences. Today, with...
In the Netflix series The Crown (Season 4) Princess Diana is coached on deportment. In one scene, Diana rehearses a speech she will give in support of her husband’s charity. Her coach tells Diana “You use your hands far too much…our gestures reveal us…best not...