02 Feb Unstoppable
Anthony Robles will surprise you. Born without a right leg, he decided to compete in NCAA wrestling. Wrestling is an extreme sport, even with four limbs. Watch the film Unstoppable to see Robles’ skills and drive in a league of his own.
Like Robles, many of you are on teams, but step out alone when facing potential clients, boards, or competitors. Like a wrestler, you have to be alert to all signals; facial expressions, posture, tone, cadence of voice, and willingness to engage.
Your tactics will be based on your ability to read. They may not be as physical as wrestling, but every presentation is an act of competitive persuasion, whether advocating for a new direction, product or service. Pitching requires the same level of focus and energy as a wrestling match.
If you’re fighting challenges like stage fright, poor diction, or a heavy accent, design your rehearsals to overcome them. And keep your competitive Intention strong. With enough practice and sweat, your persuasion rate will increase. Even if you lose a “match” you can win the long game.
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